How To Set Up Windows Email

Easily set up an email account with Windows Mail by following these instructions.

Please note to replace with your own domain name in all of the following fields.

1. First seach you computer for the Windows mail app. The app should appear as soon as you type in “mail”. Then click on the Mail app.

search for mail app

2. Click on Accounts >> Add Account >> Select Other Account (POP, IMAP)

add email account

3. Enter your Email Address and Password into the designated fields, making sure to copy and paste from the information we emailed to you and note that the ‘Send your messages using this name’ must also be your email address.

add other account

4. Click “Sign In” and wait for the settings to resolve and make contact with the email server.

sign in

5. You will then be presented with the Windows Mail screen. If this is a completely new email account, there will be no messages. If this is an existing email account your email messages should’ve downloaded and will be ready to read.

email inbox

6. If you have received email, simply click on the message to read. eg

read email

7. Click on the wheel icon and the Settings menu will be displayed. Click on Manage Accounts.

windows mail settings

8. Click Change Mailbox Sync Settings.

change Mailbox sync settings

9. By default your email is set to receive any email sent to your inbox over the last 3 months. You have the option (if an older account) to receive all messages by selecting “Any Time”. For new email accounts you should leave at the 3 month setting.

sync options

10. Check your Email incoming and outgoing server configuration is correct (replace with your own domain name).

Windows Mail now makes it easy by automatically adding the Port data that previously you had to add manually. Here’s the data for your reference:

Incoming Server:
IMAP Port: 993 or POP3 Port: 995

Outgoing Server:
SMTP Port: 465

For Secure settings please ensure SSL is enabled.

email server configuration

Congratulations! Your new email account is set up. If you would like us to set up any new email accounts on your behalf, simply forward the new email address and we’ll set it up for you.